Envisi8 Creative Agency

Envisi8 Cares spearheads initiatives that drive positive, powerful and impactful social change in the areas of family, entrepreneurship, education, the arts, and entertainment.

What is Success Central?

Success Central is an youth program designed to provide quality academic and social assistance to minority students in low-income and poverty stricken areas around the world. The program consists of a network of after-school programs in the USA and schools abroad. This is a place where students can become adept in all academic disciplines, STEM, the arts (dance, music, art, fashion, acting) sports,  public speaking, entrepreneurship and more. The goal of this program is to help these students fill academic gaps, pursue their passion, and be prepared for college and beyond

Success Central is a school away from school and home away from home. We serve minority families in low income neighborhoods, focusing on providing children in grades 3-8 with the tools they need to succeed in school and to get them to college. We provide after school tutoring and empowerment sessions to help build the students and help them discover their God given purpose to go out and be ambassadors.

Success Central International is an extension of Success Central USA to Haiti, Africa and wherever the black diaspora lies. In addition to SC services and schools, SC USA and SC Haiti/Africa will have the opportunity to work together to learn business management, trade, and philanthropy. The purpose is to learn how to collaborate and help stimulate economies through entrepreneurship and to help those less fortunate. There will be a summer program where SC USA will create a product and the SC INT will create another and they will export and import products respectively and create the same product (Lemonade – turning lemons to lemonade) It will be competitive and the money raised will fund a student led initiative to give back to the community.

Head office: Minneapolis, MN; Satellite Cities: Los Angeles, CA and Chicago, Illinois

A free program teaching girls from 11-17 about personal branding, entrepreneurship and tech. This is a community extension of the actual Makeover My Brand program for adults. By the end of the program, students will have created their own brand and learn how to manage it all while being confident in who they are and what they bring to the table.